Pater Noster - who we are?

The Pater Noster Foundation is a non-governmental organization operating on the territory of Romania in Ploieşti, 60 km from Bucharest, the capital of the country, legally established since 2006, CIF 9853567 The Pater Noster Foundation is carrying out several projects with our partners. from Romania and from abroad. Our desire is to help people in difficulty, regardless of age, gender or ethnicity, to provide support, counseling and information for the chance of a new beginning and a better life.

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Charity projects

Detalii despre proiecte un text descriptiv despre proiecte.

Involve, help us and donate!

With the help of our partners, people of good faith, volunteers and not only have we managed to start important projects for people in difficulty throughout this period
We do not want to stop here, we are always trying to develop other charity projects!
Your help forever will make a difference. Get involved and give us a helping hand with a simple donation! Become a Patron!

Donate now

Fiecare fapta buna este caritate. Adevarata avere a unui om

Pater noster parteners

Text multumire parteneri

  • Administraţia Naţională a Penitenciarelor
  • Penitenciarul de femei Târgșor
  • Penitenciarul Ploieşti
  • Penitenciarul Mărgineni
  • Penitenciarul Găeşti
  • Styal Prison UK
  • Asociaţia de sprijinire a comunității Lazuri
  • Asociaţia Mână Deschisă România
  • Inspectoratul de Poliţie Judeţean Prahova
  • Asociaţia de Sprijin şi Binefacere Romania
  • D.A.G.S.P.C. Prahova
  • C.S.C. Sfântul Andrei Ploiești
  • Școala Postliceală F.E.G. Ploieşti

Charity events

Cu regularitate organizam evenimente de caritate.
Alfa care sunt viitoarele evenimente organizare de catre asociatia noastra.

Dependent de viata

  2019-09-22   19:00   Bucuresti

Descriere detaliata despre acest eveniment. Se vor prezenta aspecte de interes legate de acest eveniment

See event

A warm meal

  2019-02-14   20:00   Ploiesti

Descriere detaliata despre acest eveniment. Se vor prezenta aspecte de interes legate de acest eveniment

See event

The week "Diferent school " at Tomsani

  2017-03-31   10:00   Tomsani judetul Prahova

Together with Dr. Armand Catalin, and psychologist Cristina Catalin, at the Tomsani school. I met wonderful...

See event